Solomon Murungu SPIRIT of ZAMBUKO Liturgy & Reflections of Mbira
Solomon Murungu
Liturgy & Reflections of Mbira

New in The Mbira Store:
Zim-centric Kudhinda shirts!


© 2007 Solomon Murungu
above: a selection of mbiras crafted by Newton Gwara

Zambuko Projects® Unlimited "Zambuko", a Shona-language word meaning "bridge" is a series of three programs about Africa intended to reveal, enrich and enlighten Westerners on her many charms, mysteries and traditions. Find out more...

The Mbira Store: Nemakonde and Nyamaropa mbiras by Newton Gwara and Sam Bvure. New items by Garikai Tirikoti too. We also stock fiberglass dezes in a range of sizes.

The Mbira Page is a resource for people around the world who have an interest in Mbira, Marimba and Chimurenga styles of music from the indigenous cultures of Zimbabwe. Related topics, Shona and Ndebele customs, Shona language and literature, traditions and beliefs as they relate to mbira music are also discussed.

© 2009 Solomon Murungu & Zambuko Projects® Unlimited